Scooch knows the rules. He knows what he can and cannot do. Most days he follows those rules. Not today. So far this morning he got both his legs stuck through the slats of the back of his rocking chair (don't ask), opened the door to the china cabinet but was luckily caught before he could do any damage, continued to ram the antique rocker into the wall after repeated warnings...
Pulled numerous objects off the counter that were left within his reach (I'm still learning), sitting close enough to the fire that he got ashes on his butt...
Kept bringing me objects from the forbidden cupboard (a lazy susan filled with canned goods which makes the door extremely heavy and dangerous for little fingers. If anyone has a suggestion for putting a lock on it, PLEASE share), and insisted on being carried everywhere today. Of course, I can't be too upset with him, because I had a bad headache this morning, and for a full 30 minutes (one episode of Jack's Big Music Show) he snuggled with me on the couch so I could close my eyes and mend. All of those things I mentioned, he did after I was feeling better. It was almost as if he had to be extra naughty to make up for the really nice thing he did for Mommy. Gotta keep the balance, you know...
Oh I do love that boy.
So how do you discipline your child? What age did you start doing it?