
Friday, January 20, 2012

a year of Christmas

I mentioned yesterday that I'd be back today with a new feature. Here I am, so ppffftt to you doubters who thought I wouldn't show. *cheeky grin*

Anyway, let me explain my idea. Each year (as long as I'm not bogged down with baby blues or just settling in a new country, or both), around November, I start browsing through all the Christmas crafts showing up all over the craft stores and online. I make a huge list of projects I just MUST complete that year before Christmas. Then, by and by, the list doesn't get completed; usually because I'm working on gift-making, and because the list I create is so absurdly long, not only do I not NEED so many decorations, I just don't have the time either. So I came up with a plan: A year of Christmas.

How it will work:
I've made no ridiculous list this time. Currently I think my list has five small projects on it, mostly ornaments. Each month I will pick one item from the list to complete. That way, by the time Christmas comes this year, I'll have several new pretties to display. Since I've given myself a month for each one, and so far have picked small projects, it's something I should easily be able to keep up with.

For January, I've decided to go with the ornaments that I originally wanted to make for this past Christmas, since I already have the components together to make them. They are these, from Wild Olive. So cute and simple. I'll show mine off when completed.

Maybe some of you would like to join me in A year of Christmas? I'll be picking projects in a variety of medium so surely I would pick at least one that would suit your fancy? Or pick your own thing to work on. Then link up in the comments for all to see. Come on. You know you want to...

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