
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Bernina : Acquired!!

I never thought I would have one so quickly, but I just might after all.  Mr. R is going to pick up a Bernina tonight!  I found someone selling one on Craigslist, and he's bringing it home!  I'm as excited as the day we found out we're having another boy!  Okay, maybe not THAT excited, but I sure can't wait to get my hands on that Bernina!  AND, it's coming with one accessory that I was going to have to buy anyway.  Now I am just hoping that it comes in the box as well, so that it can get to England that much easier.

I debated buying used, but with moving and needing to buy a whole bunch of different voltage appliances, we really need to be saving everything we can.  Unfortunately, I spent most of our saved cash to get this machine.  BUT, it was either that, or wait and pay more AND buy a UK wired machine.  So while it hurts the wallet now, I do believe it was the best decision, given the available choices.

Now this doesn't mean that any Baby Travel Bags are going to come flying out of it any time soon (although that would be my wish!).  I still have no table to sew on.  I'm still planning to finish the two I've got going, while in NY, on my mother's machine, which is no Bernina.   But I'm so glad to finally have a great machine to work on!  If you don't sew, it's kinda like buying your first nice car.  I drove a car for about 5 years, in the south, with no air conditioning, or any other modern features.  Then I bought a newer car with loads of room and cold air blowing!  It was great.  That's sort of what it's like to buy a really nice sewing machine.

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